We're going to install CCTV cameras at the Sunyani Coronation Park within a week - Ransford Antwi

Mr. Ransford Antwi, the man who has been credited for the excellent execution of the People’s project at the Sunyani Coronation Park, has insisted that nothing can dim the love for football in the Bono Regional capital.

We're going to install CCTV cameras at the Sunyani Coronation Park within a week - Ransford Antwi

Mr. Ransford Antwi, the man who has been credited for the excellent execution of the People’s project at the Sunyani Coronation Park, has insisted that nothing can dim the love for football in the Bono Regional capital.

He has assured that more measures are being explored to ensure that the few troublemakers, who tend to give Sunyani a bad name are dealt with.

In an exclusive interview with Suncity Radio 97.1Mhz, Mr. Antwi revealed that he, together with a few friends and the People’s Project Implementation Committee is going to ensure that CCTV cameras are fixed at the Sunyani Coronation Park.

The facility will be effectively manned by a Ghana Police Service officer on matchdays. He believes the surveillance will make it extremely difficult for anyone to take the law into his own hands.

According to Mr. Antwi, the installation of cameras and other smart gadgets would take a couple of days, possibly within a week to complete.

This, he believes, will go a long way to prove to the football fraternity that football is everything for the people of Sunyani.

"Not many people want to see us happy and will do everything to tarnish our name. The last few weeks have been unbelievable for the people and we want to keep enjoying our football. We're going to stop hooliganism once and for,'' he said.